Just tried that on a fresh download and you are right, although doing that also 
changed the appearance of the "Do it" button, so on a fresh copy again, I just 
[ set the textSize of group "J_1" of card 1 of stack "rawForms" to 9 ] and that 
works, now I see where the problem lies…

…In the  stack "rawForms", the text "size" is applied directly to the raw text, 
so the group and it's contents are using the "effective textSize" as (Pete) 
pointed out.

The Stack "mcp" doesn't have a textSize set, so because the copied group and 
it's contents are using the effective textSize they revert to the settings of 
the stack they are being copied into, in this case there are no settings so it 
just reverts to the LC defaults.

The difference appears after the copy because the textHeight is now the default 
14. The textHeight being relative to the textSize applied to the field and not 
to it's raw contents.

In this case the textHeight is being "lost" with the copy process, it is set to 
12 on the original field, but because there is no textSize set for the field it 
doesn't stick.

Changing the original fields by removing the size applied to the raw text (i.e. 
use owners size) and applying the correct textSize to the fields also resolves 
the problem.


On 2014-06-06, at 8:38 AM, Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:58 PM, Paul Hibbert <paulhibb...@mac.com> wrote:
>> I know this doesn't answer why the problem occurs, but it does workaround
>> it. I tried setting the textHeight & textSize of the stack "mcp", card
>> "r_controls", the templateField and the templateGroup, all had no effect on
>> the copied group.
>> I don't have LC5.5.4 installed, but I used LC5.5.5 (on Mac OS X 10.8.5), I
>> expect it would be the same.
> Setting the textsize of the mcp stack to 9 fixes the problem for me.
> Pete
> lcSQL Software <http://www.lcsql.com>
> Home of lcStackBrowser <http://www.lcsql.com/lcstackbrowser.html> and
> SQLiteAdmin <http://www.lcsql.com/sqliteadmin.html>
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