
This regex does what you want:

on foo
   put "123-f-78-x0//" into x
   put replacetext(x,"[^0-9]","")
end foo

Probably you will need a repeat loop, unless you really just have a list of 500000 phone numbers. In that case you could use replacetext(x,"[^0-9\n]","") to modify the entire list at once. I don't know how long that would take, though. Just try it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
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On 6/11/2014 20:23, Magicgate Software - Skip Kimpel wrote:
Hello LC'ers

I have data element that I need to scan for all NON numbers and remove
them.  For instance this data element should read 0123456789 but sometimes
is listed as 0123-4-5678-9 or has foreign characters in it or reads NOT

if item 14 of tLine <> number then....

There are about 500,000 rows of data to go through so my dilemma is to
make the code as efficient as possible.

Thank you for any input you might have!

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