
Friday, July 11, 2014, 9:25:48 PM, you wrote:

> Mark Wieder wrote:

>> The roundrect corners currently use ten segments to determine the
>> curve. That seems a bit rough-edged for modern usage, so I upped it to
>> 90 segments, one per degree. I then leveraged that routine to allow
>> for 360 segments for an oval, and that seems to be quite effective
>> when creating an oval by assigning points to a polygon.

> Impressively good call.

> Thanks for adding this.  I had wanted this some time ago, but with all
> the other things RunRev has going on I just got used to doing without.
> Very nice to see you've taken up the reins in this, and so well.

Thanks. That part was easy. I then spent five days beating my head
against the wall trying to accomodate the startAngle and arcAngle
properties. Finally gave up and rewrote the algorithm from scratch.
Your idea of a user-configurable setting is interesting and wouldn't
be that hard to implement - it's just a constant right now, and
changing it from ten to 90 was easy. I'm sure if some people (cough
Scott Rossi cough) needed better resolution this could be done.

There *are* a couple of drawbacks, as noted on the forum. First of
all, the points of graphics are read-only except for curves, lines,
and freeform polygons. Secondly, revRotatePoly only works for
polygons. If you want to rotate a different type of graphic, you first
have to set its style to polygon. You can't convert it back because
the rect will have changed, and rectangle, roundrects, and regular
polygons are strictly aligned to their rects. Personally I don't find
using polygons as my base graphic object to be a drawback, but I do
realize that it might be a bit jarring to some.

-Mark Wieder

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