On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 8:34 AM, Alex Tweedly <a...@tweedly.net> wrote:

> If I could solve those questions then I might have a chance of sticking to
> using the forums for more than a couple of days. The topic comes up ever so
> often, I go look at the forums, see ow much good stuff there is in there,
> swear to myself I will use them and try to keep up - and within a week I've
> lapsed because it is just too time consuming and frustrating.

Had all the same issues with the forums myself until Jacque revealed that
you can get emails sent to you.  I've set mine up so I get a daily digest
which I just flip through to see if there's anything of interest.

Click the User Control Panel link at the top right then click the Digests
tab.  Lots of options there including which forums you want to include.

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