I'm sure that many attendees, or at least some still use older devices.  My
iPad (gen1 )can only run iOS 5.1.  Can LiveCode no longer build for the
earlier versions?


On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Mark Talluto <use...@canelasoftware.com>

> Hi Everyone,
> We finally got approval from Apple.  We did not list the app in the store
> though. You need to get the link from our page to download.
> http://livecloud.io/runrevlive-14-conference-app/
> We have been making a lot of improvements to the app since our submission
> to Apple. We have already begun the process of submitting an update through
> Apple with the latest changes.
> Maybe the update will be available in time? If you are testing on
> TestFlight, I would stay with that version as it is the most current. The
> main difference between them is that we are now storing your favorites in
> the cloud. So, if you install the app on another device, your favorite
> sessions will be there for you.  And, they are synced across devices
> automatically.
> The native fields are nice, but not critical to using this app. Most of
> the updates are really for Android as we attempt to make things more fluid
> for that platform.
> If you are not attending the conference, I plan on providing commentary
> and lots of pics on things going on. You might feel like you are there.
> Hang out in the comments section to see my live blogging. Hopefully others
> will join in with me and add to the spirit of the conference.
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto
> livecloud.io
> canelasoftware.com
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