

Well done... I Applaud the entire RR team! Really  , take a bow. The way you 
were on top of this iOS 8 thing and still got these releases out... Makes my 
head hurt just thinking about it.


Does this mean we can once again use the “R” word in general conversation once 


Ralph DiMola

IT Director

Evergreen Information Services


From: livecode-dev [] On Behalf Of 
Benjamin Beaumont
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2014 3:37 PM
To: How to use LiveCode; LiveCode Developer List
Subject: RELEASE LiveCode 7.0


Dear list members,


We're pleased to announce release of LiveCode 7.0. This is a stable release.


WARNING: LiveCode 7.0 contains breaking changes particularly when reading and 
writing data out of LiveCode or working with the char chunk type. Details can 
be found in the release notes which are linked below. LiveCode 6.7, which was 
also released today, provides a fully backward compatible new edition of 
LiveCode for all those users who need time to migrate their stacks to 7.0. Most 
people will be unaffected but please check the release notes and ask your 
questions on the list if you are unsure, we are very happy to help. LiveCode 
7.0 has been available for most of 2014 so I expect most of you are well aware 
of the changes and likely already updated stacks where necessary.


Release contents

LiveCode 7.0 is a massive release for us as custodians of LiveCode and for us 
as a community. We've been working on it for almost 2 years and it sees us 
modernise the core of the engine and pave the was for LiveCode 8. We've 
introduced lots of new features, most notably, transparent unicode support 
which is a huge step forward for the technology. For more information of the 
changes in the release you can visit our website at:


Our release notes contain full details of all the changes made during this 
cycle as well as details of all the bugs that were fixed. The can be found 



During the release candidate phase we added support for Yosemite and will be 
working on adding wider ranging support for that platform in the coming week. 
Apple have tweaked how some of their pickers work which we'd like make 
available to your applications. We plan to do this in the form of 6.7.1 and 
7.0.1 releases in the coming two weeks. 


Thanks once again to you as a community. Your support in testing and bug 
reporting does not go unnoticed! 


Warm regards,


The LiveCode Team

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