After several hours of frustration, searching and trying, then more searching 
and trying I've finally come to the conclusion that sendmail is not working on 

I have already tried the LiveCode lesson, the files from splash21 and 
along with an amended version from the forums. I did have this working fine a 
couple of years ago, so I resurrected some old files and tried them, still no 

After the last couple of attempts I finally saw this error:
/usr/sbin/sendmail: error while loading shared libraries: 
failed to map segment from shared object: Cannot allocate memory

I'm pretty sure I can't do anything to fix a memory allocation error, so the 
ball is back in RR's court, hopefully DW can figure this out if he ever gets 
some spare time, I have informed RR, but I know the On-Rev servers are not high 
on their priority list, so I don't expect a quick fix.

So, in the meantime, does anybody else have any useful tricks for sending an 
email from a server? Preferably ones that don't use sendmail or the Linux mail 
command (that doesn't work also).


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