Hi Bill
As I already replied to Richard:
It seems you missed my point.
I am NOT talking about the LC user base modifying the Dictionary we all use.
I specifically said: MY Dictionary.
In other words, just my own copy of the Dictionary on my machine.
I apologize if I did not make that more clear.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Earthednet-wp" <proth...@earthednet.org>
To: "How to use LiveCode" <use-livecode@lists.runrev.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2014 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: how to disturb newbies

To me, allowing the entire LC user base to modify the dictionary that we all use, will cause more problems than it solves. Richard's idea to form a team of experienced live coders to at least review additions and changes and brainstorm improvements is a great idea. Also, a feature that allows users to make private notes is also a great one. Perhaps, taking it a bit further, users' private notes might contain a button to submit them to the dictionary committee for review and inclusion in the master dictionary.

An important goal, I think, is to consider feedback from both experienced and relatively new users who perhaps use a different vocabulary for their desired outcome and can't find their way around the huge number of commands and intricacies.

This list also contains a wealth of questions that the documentation team might address. The challenge is to try to get into the mindset of those who are, in real time, trying to solve coding problems.


William Prothero

On Oct 26, 2014, at 2:15 AM, <la...@significantplanet.org> wrote:

I appreciate all this effort to improve the Dictionary.
But I feel the discussion about allowing EACH LC user to personally modify the Dictionary with his/her own notes is being overlooked. I think it is crazy that LC only allows notes in the Dictionary that have been reviewed by the staff. I WANT to add my own notes to the Dictionary, edit the examples, etc. In short, I don't want to wait around for the LC Community to fix MY Dictionary.
I do not think this is an unreasonable request.

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