On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> wrote:

> I had turned off Strict Compile Mode temporarily because of the "name
> shadows another variable" bug which still hasn't been fixed and causes me
> to quit and restart LC probably 6 times a day.

That was the primary reason I stayed with 5.5 so long; it's not nearly as
bad as in 6.  7 doesn't seem to be quite as bad as 6, but is still
horrible.  And then there are the IDE freezes.

And while I'm griping, having to kill livecode and restart over a red dot
in the script of a stack opened as modal should be long, long, gone
(instead, it's far worse than in 5, where at least sometimes you could
control-command-click your way out of it.  But keyboard commands rarely
work in 7 . . .)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
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