stephen barncard wrote:

> With all due respect - the problem here is getting livecode and php to
> execute together in the same domain space (where we might want some
> Wordpress pages AND livecode. This is my problem as well.

Thanks. Somehow I missed the reference to PHP requirements in Scott's message.

> The htaccess magic words that used to allow this with PHP 5.2 don't
> work any more...

IIRC the notice I got from DH said they've upgraded to PHP 5.3. I don't spend enough time with PHP to know what differences may affect shared hosting.

Here's the link they provided for PHP assistance in their upgrade notice from Nov 5:

> - some syntax has changed either with PHP, Apache, or
> the use of Ubuntu vs Debian.
> Options +ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
> AddHandler livecode-script .lc .irev
> AddHandler php-script .php .htm .html
> DirectoryIndex index.irev index.php index.html
> Action livecode-script /cgi-bin/livecode-server/livecode-community-server

Is it necessary to declare special handling for PHP when declaring special handling for other file types? I'd thought PHP support was a given on DH's shared hosting accounts, handled in Apache2.config at the server level.

To double-check what I had originally understood from Scott's post (looking at LC alone without PHP), I put a fresh install of LC Server v7 on a new DH host and after setting permissions it was up and running with just two lines in .htaccess, the AddHandler and the Action defining that handler.

Given the prevalence of PHP, I doubt DH's requirements for the upgrade involve much work - they'd be overloaded with support requests if they didn't give some good thought to backward compatibility with people's existing configs.

Normally there's no conflict between any combination of CGIs mentioned in .htaccess as long as they don't mix file extensions.

So I'll bet that once we pin this down, we'll have an "a ha!" moment in which the solution is simpler than what it may seem right now.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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