On Sat, Dec 20, 2014 at 1:53 PM, J. Landman Gay <jac...@hyperactivesw.com>

> I have a commercial app that uses behaviors extensively which often rely
> on a mouseEnter. It was developed and built with 6.6.5 and I didn't have
> any issues with it. It's working fine for the customers too.

mouseEnter works in other parts of that stack, but even after resetting the
behavior, the handler is never reached.  It works fine in 6.7 and 7.0.

> Something else must be going on in your case, I think. It works here, and
> 6.6.5 has been very stable for me.

Probably something else, but I'm not going to spend a a bunch of time to
move the stack backwards from 7 to 6.5 if I already now there is a
different dragon looking for me in that sea :)

Dr. Richard E. Hawkins, Esq.
(702) 508-8462
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