On 21/01/2015 01:58, J. Landman Gay wrote:
On 1/20/2015 7:33 PM, Geoff Canyon wrote:
The nested if statements in the first
one, and the duplicated

     set the baseID of this stack to "this card"

offend my eye.

There's two of us then.

Me three.

Also I was glad to see you also have a reflex of defining

function iff X,T,F
   if X then return T else return F
end iff

(I usually name my version "ifthenelse" - I like the conciseness of yours, but I studied logic some decades ago, so for me "iff" is already a word, and it means something different - if and only if.)

I don't we think should be proposing fundamental additions to the language very often, but this is such a useful one that I think it should be considered.

What do you think?


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