On Jan 27, 2015, at 2:03 PM, Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> wrote:

> Another quick question Devin.  Pre 7, you have to address the unicodeText
> property of an object to do this.
> ]If I have a variable/custom property whose contents are unidecoded, how
> can I uniencode it into another variable since it has no unicodeText
> property?  Seems like I would need a hidden filed to act as an intermediary.
> Maybe I just need to bite the bullet and use LC 7 for this project since it
> doesn't need to address the unicodeText property.  This for making my
> SQLiteAdmin program unicode capable.

The way I ended up handling this most of the time in pre-7 was to store the 
unicode text in a custom property of the object, either as UTF-8 encoded text, 
or as HTML text. Neither of those approaches suffers from problems with 
endianness. It is true that for these approaches you often need to process the 
text through an intermediary text field.

LC 7 really is a wonder in terms of how seamless it has made using Unicode in 
the interface. It came with the slight cost of making text I/O a bit more 


Devin Asay
Office of Digital Humanities
Brigham Young University

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