Hi Pete

What happened to the Beta? I've been so busy both writing new courses in
databases for the last three months that I haven't followed up with you. I
still have one database and working on but my courseware is done as of
Sunday. Where are you at on LiveCode database development?

Thank you

Vaughn Clement

On Target Solutions LLC (Support)
On Target Solutions LLC Website: http://www.ontargetsolutions.biz
Email: ontargetsoluti...@yahoo.com
Skype: vaughn.clement

FaceTime: vclem...@gmail.com
Ph. 928-254-9062

On Sun, Mar 1, 2015 at 4:29 PM, Peter Haworth <p...@lcsql.com> wrote:

> I'm happy to announce the release of v1.3.6 of SQLiteAdmin, an SQLite
> Database administration tool. This is a free release for current users.
> SQLiteAdmin provides a GUI-based approach to creating your database schema
> including many capabilities not possible within the SQLite language, and
> browsing and editing the data in your databases.  A free trial version is
> available at www.lcsql.com/sqliteadmin.htm
> <http://www.lcsql.com/sqliteadmin.html>.  Please note that the current
> price of $24.99 will be increased to $29.99 on Sunday March 8th, 2015.
> The complete release notes for v1.3.6 are available at
> http://tinyurl.com/o746roq.  Some notable enhancements are:
>    - Support for inserting and viewing BLOB columns
>    - The ability to create database diagrams in various formats showing the
>    foreign key relationships between tables and a list of columns and
>    constraints in each table.
>    - Separate preference settings for each database you open.
>    - Open a database by drag/dropping it onto the SQLiteAdmin application
>    window.
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