You are cirtainly welcome to add your own functions and handlers.  It is
best to add them at the bottom of script of btn "Lib".  The meta data
needed is very straight forward.   You will have to cut and paste your
routines into any new version, but that is pretty easy.

Or just send me any routine that you want to add to the collection.  I will
add in the extra meta data and do some light testing of each routine, then
will make an update.   There really is no formal vetting process and I am
happy to do it.

I read the list all the time and try and capture routines that people post,
add a little documentation.   Folks on the list have been so helpful to me
over the years.  This my small way of trying to give back and help the new
folks get started with some interesting routines.  But to be honest, I have
learned a lot by just by reading the code.


On Sunday, March 8, 2015, William Prothero <> wrote:

> Michael:
> This is a wonderful assortment of handlers and functions. I may have
> missed some of the intentions for the library. Is this also a personal
> handler management library also? Do we add our own commonly used handlers?
> Are these ultimately incorporated into the library, which I imagine would
> require some kind of vetting?? Or is this a personal “starter library”
> where we have a lot of great stuff, then add our own? If we add our own
> handlers, what happens to our personal code when you generously offer
> another update?
> Best,
> Bill
> > On Mar 8, 2015, at 12:07 PM, Michael Doub <
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >
> > Release 33
> > * By popular demand all of the double quotes have been removed from
> handler names and functions.
> > * added displayHex, displayBinary, displayDump, FormatNumber
> > * updated caseSwitch, added PowerSource
> > * stripDupLines, removeDupLines (regexp implementations!)
> > * There is now an even faster parser!  Thierry Douez implemented a new
> parser in a very concise
> >   finite state machine.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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