Matthias Rebbe wrote:
i see your request is from 2009. How can be reactivate that request. I fear 
it´s forgotten at Livecode.

Feature requests not marked as "Closed" are still open. There's no guarantee of course that all feature requests will be implemented immediately, and given the many priorities for features they're already publicly committed to it's understandable that other new features may remain in queue longer than we might prefer.

That said, since that request was originally submitted the business landscape has changed, and today Apple is the only company pursuing a bifurcated OS strategy while Windows, Ubuntu, and others are pursuing a unified strategy across all device types (and given that there are effectively few differences in use cases between a tablet with a docking keyboard and a slender laptop with a detachable touch screen, I feel it's reasonable to expect Apple will announce a unified OS strategy within another couple years at the outside).

So if you want to add your business use case to the comments there that may help raise awareness for the request, though please keep in mind that they also have requests from others in our community so there's no guarantee they'll stop work on other requested features to jump on this one:

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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