On 09/08/15 16:47, Peter M. Brigham wrote:
On Aug 9, 2015, at 8:46 AM, Richmond wrote:

BUT what does fuss me is why this produces NO results when it analyses a text 
imported from an RTF file, BUT does work when the text
is either manually edited or imported from a text file.
Maybe if you do this?

    set the RTFtext of the templatefield to RTFtextFromFile
    put the text of the templatefield into fileText
    reset the templatefield

and then operate on the variable fileText. That is, use the engine to convert 
the RTFtext to plain text.

-- Peter

 Hmm, that's a thought.

However, I'm doing just fine with HTML text instead :)

Now, if you happen to know of a list of English intransitive verbs . . . .

Richmond "Nuttier than a fruitcake" Mathewson.

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