On 08/28/2015 07:47 AM, Mike Kerner wrote:
constant embedCRInConstant = "a"&CR&"b"

throws an error.  Suggestions?

I first logged this as a bug in 2004.
The current bug number is 12802, and the other reports (1241, 3680, 8737, 13955) have been "resolved" as duplicates of that one, although the "resolved" status of the many bug reports is somewhat in question.

You can now use negative numbers as constants. That seems to be fixed in build 7.0-rc1. Otherwise constants can only be strings or numbers.

The way I get around this is by defining ersatzConstants:

local kConstantButNotReally = ""

-- initialize it in preOpenStack
 put some_value into kConstantButNotReally
-- then treat it like a constant

 Mark Wieder

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