Paul Dupuis wrote:
> However, I have run into a puzzler. Under Windows 8 (and Win 7) when I
> set the effective rect of a stack to 0,0,x,y or set the effective
> topLeft of a stack to 0,0, that stack is NOT taking into account the
> wider window borders of Windows 7 and 8 and is positioning the stack
> with part of its borders off screen - it is like the stack thinks it's
> window borders were the thinner ones back under Windows 2000 or XP!
> This only occur with old stacks in the application - i.e. stacks
> originally migrated from HyperCard > SuperCard > Metacard >Revolution.
> If I create a new "Untitled 1" substack in the old legacy mainstack
> and set it's effective topLeft to 0,0, it renders exactly as expected.

On Ubuntu difference there is a meaningless (though seemingly non-random) difference between a stack's "rect" and its "effective rect":

Maybe whatever made "effective rect" broken on Linux is related to what you're seeing in Windows?

Possibly not, though:  the Linux bug is evident with all stacks, old or new.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Systems
 Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web

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