Hey all,

Most of the core development team here at LiveCode Ltd. are off for our Christmas holidays from today. We wish you all the best for the Christmas break, and we're looking forward to more LiveCode fun in 2016!

Normal code-wrangling activities will resume on Tuesday 5th January 2016. However, if all goes to plan, you should receive the Christmas gift of an 8.0.0-dp-12 build early next week!

Thank you so much for the feedback on the release notes. I've taken all of the responses I've received and rolled them into a new release notes format for 8.0.0-dp-12. (I'm afraid they're still PDF-only; HTML notes are still to come).


As I've previously mentioned, I'll be at FOSDEM 2016 in Brussels on 29th-31st January 2016, and I'd be really keen to meet up with any European LiveCoders who can come along! If there's enough interest, I will organise a social event for the evening of 30th January. Please let me know if you're interested ASAP.


Dr Peter Brett <peter.br...@livecode.com>
LiveCode Open Source Team

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