Hi all - I’m not having any luck getting local notifications to work (in the 
simulator at least) on iOS 8 or later. A search of the forum and bugzilla 
revealed that this was a known issue in the LC 6.6 series (I’ve been developing 
my app with 6.6.5) but that it was fixed in 6.7.1. That seems true(ish) in that 
it works in 6.7.1 but the bad news is that it fails in all subsequent versions 
of LC that I’ve tested (7.1, 7.1.1 and 8.0 dp12). Can anyone else confirm this? 
I really need local notifications to work in my app – on all versions of iOS 
from 7 up – and I’m not particularly keen on having to build my app with 6.7.1.

BTW, the original bug (13927) is marked as closed. I added a comment to this 
outlining the issue but am I better off opening a new report?



Terry Judd  | Senior Lecturer in Medical Education
Department of Medical 
The University of Melbourne<http://www.unimelb.edu.au>
M: 0435 961 594  |  E: terry.j...@unimelb.edu.au<mailto:t...@unimelb.edu.au>

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