I solved the problem myself.

There is a caveat with animationEngine… I don’t understand it completely  


on aeMoveDone  
end aeMoveDone

will fire too soon or “cuts out” part of the actions of the subsequent commands 
being invoked on the card we go to, as well as the visual effects of the 
handler in the stack script that drives the presentation from one card to the 

BUT, all he wants is just a little time:

on aeMoveDone
   send "nextEvent" to this card in 500 milliseconds
end aeMoveDone

and everything runs as expected.


On February 5, 2016 at 5:33:28 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami 
(bra...@hindu.org(mailto:bra...@hindu.org)) wrote:

> For LC mystery forensics experts.  
> I will attempt to send sweet dreams from Hawaii to anyone who can solve this 
> problem.  
> go stack url 
> "http://dev.himalayanacademy.com/stacks/SivasHawaiiRevels/SivasHawaiiRevels.livecode”
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