Howdy Folks,

This is a very interesting thread with the pricing plan changing.

LiveCode's Community Edition will fit the needs of many hobbyists perfectly, as others have rightly pointed out. But to be fair, it's unrealistic (false dichotomy) to believe that all software must be either commercial or open source, or that all hobbyists must produce only open source code. The world is not quite so simple!

I've seen many people create freeware in spare time and decide to charge money (or not) for some products after gaining a following or after having more time. The decision often comes later.

Some hobbyists are too busy with work, education, family, or health to launch a business at the moment. It would be silly to say that they have no valid interest in keeping future options available for their code if they wish. That's their decision, either way.

Even when money is not a goal, plenty of freeware products remain closed. That's why we have different names for freeware and open source. The web app is a good solution, but being realistic again, it won't fit all apps.

So if some hobbyists are worried, I understand completely! I'd say watch for helpful sales and lock-ins. I can't predict the future, but LiveCode sales have happened many times in the past, and you might even notice some patterns if you want to gamble on them. Key word, gamble. Locking in now is the safest option if you can afford it.

Worst case, you can wait and hope (and ask) for another eventual change in pricing strategy. Explain your situation to LiveCode and see what happens. Things have changed before. The company does listen when people reach out.

Of course the Community Edition offers a whole heck of a lot to hobbyists for the very low price of free, and for many of them, perhaps the majority, that's all they will need while tinkering to their heart's content or even working on what could become the next killer product!

Then again there's no free lunch, as the rising paid prices demonstrate. That's a bit of software socialism in action, and the resulting new pricing widens the gap for the paid features. Now we're not just talking about hobbyists. The overall value of the LiveCode package also increases with new inclusions, no argument there, but doubling the fee for mandatory inclusions won't be a trivial change for some Indy coders.

I often talk to startups and smaller established companies with pretty tight budgets, and it's an easy conclusion that some folks would better afford an option like the current Indy price with fewer new inclusions. There's no doubt that some potential customers will be lost under the new pricing, but that's up to LiveCode to weigh the pros and cons, and it'll be interesting to see how this works out.

BTW, as my sudden appearance here may cause ripples in the pond, I'll pre-answer: I'm working on SpreadLib at the moment; it and WordLib have updates coming up soon, involving SpreadOut and WordOut features among other things. The FieldTrip update will be after them, and who knows, I may have something else up my sleeve for this year besides those. :)

My wonderful clients keep me pretty busy, so if you don't see me talking here on the list for a little while, you'll know that I'm layin' down some code in serious quantities. But just like Arnold, "I'll be back" here pretty soon! I hope everyone is having an excellent year so far.

Best wishes,

Curry Kenworthy
WordLib: Import MS Word and OpenOffice documents

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Matt Maier:
> you could host the software as a web app

>> you would like to share the code with some people only, not with all.
>> And at the same time you are willing to share your product with all,
>> for free.

Matt Maier:
>>> But, if you're a hobbyist, and not charging for what you distribute,
>>> why would you need to close the source?

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