The workaround for the moment is to use a borderless window that floats on
top with a handler to keep it in place if you resize the underlying stack.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ ~
LiveCode: Everyone can create apps

On 13/05/2016, 09:26, "use-livecode on behalf of Peter TB Brett"
< on behalf of> wrote:

>On 13/05/2016 04:14, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
>> Our new app design will show video in the browser widget, streamed from
>> Because we need to use the entire card (almost) to maximize the videoŠ
>>the browser widget is set 16 X 9 but inset from top and sides  to 686w X
>>385 tallŠ bottom is 414 (flush to the bottom of the card)
>> The browser widget is set to layer 1, the lowest/farthest back "bottom"
>> So, we have to hide the bottom tool bar from the user to show the video.
>> The Nav bar is set to the top layer of the card
>> So we do this on open card:
>> on preopencard
>>    setOrientation
>>    hide grp "homeScreensBottomNav"
>> end preopencard
>> by the side of the video, the 25px open space I have the 3 Vertical Dot
>>icon which has this script.
>> on mouseUp
>>      show group "homeScreensBottomNav"
>> end mouseUp
>> But if the video is activeŠ  the group will appear. Its as if the
>>browser widget commands all the pixels of it's rect, regardless of what
>>other object may have a higher layerŠ
>> Any solutions?
>There aren't any solutions yet.  This is due to the way the browser
>widget works.  All LiveCode controls are drawn in a single "native"
>(i.e. operating system) layer, and the browser view is drawn in an
>additional "native" layer.  In order to layer the browser behind
>LiveCode controls, it would be necessary to teach the engine to split
>the LiveCode controls between as many "native" layers as necessary.
>This would be a lot of work, and drawing LiveCode controls on top of
>browser widgets isn't something that many people seem to be able to need
>to do, so it hasn't been done yet.
>You may want to monitor bug 17614, which tracks this very problem.
>                                       Peter
>Dr Peter Brett <>
>LiveCode Open Source Team
>LiveCode 2016 Conference
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