
I consider myself very much a hobbyist programmer these days but when the opportunity comes up to help develop some fun projects, Livecode is my goto language of choice. It has certainly come a long way since the Metacard days!

A few years ago I developed some software (mac & pc) to allow users to create audio story books. I worked fine but the as the problems associated with Quicktime got worse I ended up having to use a combination of shell calls to SoX and FFmpeg to record and play sound with LC.

That project has since moved onto another development team (yes, a whole team) but I found it quite interesting how very few high level languages support good cross platform audio recording.

I have just doubled my pledge because although the multimedia capabilities of LC were really starting to date I think things are really starting to improve with LC8 and having something as simple as cross platform audio recording is quite important.

Everyone uses LC for different reasons and it can only get better ;-)


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