Thanks, Stephen.

Those two inclinations were what I was thinking as well. Thanks for confirming.

On 5/29/16 4:52 PM, stephen barncard wrote:
1. I wouldn't bother trying to do this simple task in PHP if I didn't have

how about..

create a livecode server page with the rating/poll page and business logic
since you said you could do that ...  and easy to check and debug outside

and then use an IFRAME in the html
to display your content. Yes, Livecode (server) working inside a WP page.
everything shows from the Livecode server instance, including the CCS
inside the 'view port'.

2. use the IP of the visitor (available in the globals) to assure
uniqueness. Keep a list.

and for a double check use a "been here before" cookie/flag specifically
for this poll.

someone clever could hack it but it probably wouldn't be worth it.

Stephen Barncard - Sebastopol Ca. USA -

On Sun, May 29, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Alex Tweedly <> wrote:

Disclaimer - I don't know much about Wordpress. But after Todd's postings
about it during the recent funding effort, I decided to go back and try
again to use it (previous attempts have failed in a myriad of features that
appear to be documented only on videos - the least time-effective way to
learn anything :-)
So my limited knowledge might be enough to be dangerous ,.,..

Use a Worpress plugin. There are many review / rating system plugins that
should do almost anything you want. I've not actualy used any of them, but
have browsed through the descriptions of some, and it looks like they'll be
able to do almost anything you're likely to want ...

-- Alex.

On 29/05/2016 15:51, Richard Miller wrote:

I have someone building a WordPress website for me. I personally do not
know WordPress. He doesn't know how to address the following issue. I know
how to do much of it through Livecode, but I'm not sure how to integrate
the two.

One feature of the site is that users get to input a rating on a
particular matter. This cumulative rating is then displayed at the site.

The following items need to occur. I am very comfortable writing the
back-end CGI code and processing it through LC.

1) when a given page is displayed, the cumulative rating needs to show on
that page. How do I make a wordpress page initiate a CGI/LC script when
that page is loaded, and display the result within a text block on that

2) what method can I use to limit one user from entering only one rating
on a given matter? For example, I am asking users to rate a particular
video on the basis of its believability. I don't want any one user to
submit that rating on that particular video more than once, thereby skewing
the results. Does this require me to force users to sign in with a username
and password, then track that embedded information when they submit a
rating, or is there an alternative which avoids signing in?

Thanks for any feedback.
Richard Miller

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