> On 21 Jun 2016, at 10:00 AM, Colin Holgate <colinholg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Perhaps it could use the same terminology, and work the same way, as full 
> screen modes. The current behavior is effectively noScale, and with exactFit, 
> noBorder, showAll, and letterbox, you could move the contents in the expected 
> way. Could even use the arithmetic from the full screen mode code.

Hmm… While transformed groups would be cool (I’m sure Richard will chime in on 
that) they introduce some difficult to deal with issues around object rects. 
For example if you get the rect of an object in a scaled group do you get the 
transformed rect or the untransformed rect? Do you get something different 
depending on whether the code requesting it is within the group or outside it? 
How do we deal the inevitable with sub-pixel points you would end up with if 
you had transformed values… Lots of fairly complicated stuff. I personally 
think it would be better/easier to have a stack view control as I think those 
issues could be dealt with in a saner way in that context.

Having said all that I think this is a bit of a tangent from the issue we need 
to work out which is the behavior of resizing a group when the bottomLeft is 


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