I've been using this script for years now and it's been reliable. The community helped me debug it and in return I've given it back to anyone who wants it. You should be able to just replace the values of the variables at the top and be good to go, but do test it in the PayPal sandbox before release.

I'm so sorry to hear about Kagi. Kee is the nicest guy you'd ever hope to meet and has been such a valuable addition to our community. I thought Kagi would last forever. So sad.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com

On August 1, 2016 4:52:41 AM Guglielmo Braguglia <guglie...@braguglia.ch> wrote:

Hi Matthias,
maybe this page can give you some useful info about using Paypal (and
Zygodact) ... http://www.hyperactivesw.com/cgipaypal/index.html ;)

Guglielmo Braguglia

Matthias Rebbe <mailto:matthias_livecode_150...@m-r-d.de>
1 August 2016 at 10:19 AM

today i was informed that Kagi has ceased operations as of July 31st,
I used KAGI to sell my tool BRx Konverter and was already wondering
why i did not receive my payout this month and the last payment was
also later than normal.
Now i know….

I have to find an other way to sell my product now.

I am thinking of using PayPal for it. My software is unlocked with a
key, so i need some communication between PayPal (or any other
shareware seller, if don´t choose PayPal) and
my key generator. So the customer gets the key right after payment.
This was not needed with KAGI, because KAGI integrated my livecode key
generator stack within the order process for my product. Kagi provided
the invoice (with the key) from them to the customer with all the vat

Has anyone already done such thing with Paypal or other platforms like
Fastspring or Cleverbridge?
And if is use Paypal, do i have to write invoices again or is Paypal
providing a correct payment receipt?

Btw., I remember that my first online purchase ever was done with KAGI
long long time ago.
It´s so sad…



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