So I must not be understanding this. If you want something to happen on mouseup 
and something else to happen on mousedoubleup, then how do you do it?

If I put this into a button script:

on mousedown
   put "mousedown" & cr after fld "text"
end mousedown

on mouseUp
   put "mouseup" & cr after fld "text"
end mouseUp

on mousedoubledown
   put "mousedoubledown" & cr after fld "text"
end mousedoubledown

on mousedoubleup
   put "mousedoubleup" & cr after fld "text"
end mousedoubleup

and I then do a doubleclick, I get 


in fld "text". So far so good. if I comment out the actions in the mousedown 
and mouseup handlers, so they are effectively blocking those messages, I get


in the field. But how do I get


on a single click and *only*


on a doubleclick?

It seems to me that if a doubleclick always produces both a mousedown/up and 
mousedoubledown/up set of messages, there is no way of preventing the 
mousedown/up actions happening in addition to the mousedoubledown/up actions. 
To make it clearer:

on mouseup
   show grc "test1"
end mouseup

on mousedoubleup
   show grc "test2"
end mousedoubleup

the mousedoubleup action will always show both graphics, but I want it to only 
show grc "test2".


-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham


On Aug 3, 2016, at 7:55 PM, Mark Waddingham wrote:

> On 2016-08-04 01:32, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:
>> How is it a bug? logically the engine must wait for the double click
>> interval before responding or double clicks could never be passed?
>> N'est ce pas?
> No - that isn't how double clicks work in LiveCode.
> On the first mouseDown the engine:
>  1) Stores the time of the mouseDown (last-click-time)
>  2) Stores the location of the mouseDown (last-click-loc)
>  3) Dispatches mouseDown
> On a subsequent mouseDown the engine does the following:
>  if current-click-time - last-click-time < doubleClickInterval and \
>       abs(current-click-loc.x - click-loc.x) < doubleClickDelta and \
>          abs(current-click-loc.y - click-loc.y) < doubleClickDelta then
>      dispatch mouseDoubleDown
>  else
>      dispatch mouseDown
>  end if
> i.e. If a click is within the doubleClickInterval time-wise since the last 
> click, and within the doubleClickDelta distance since the last click a 
> mouseDoubleDown message is sent instead of mouseDown.
> (Note that if a mouse down event results in a mouseDown message, then you 
> will receive a mouseUp message when the mouse is released, and if a mouse 
> down even results in a mouseDoubleDown message, then you will receive a 
> mouseDoubleUp message when the mouse is released).
> What you are seeing is the fact that if you tap quickly (i.e. each one within 
> the doubleClickInterval and close to each other on the screen) then you will 
> receive:
>  mouseDown
>  mouseUp
>  mouseDoubleDown
>  mouseDoubleUp
>  mouseDown
>  mouseUp
>  mouseDoubleDown
>  mouseDoubleUp
> i.e. You will get an alternating sequence of down/up and doubleDown/doubleUp 
> pairs.
> Solution: If you don't need to handle double clicks do:
>  on mouseDoubleDown
>    mouseDown
>  end mouseDoubleDown
>  on mouseDoubleUp
>    mouseUp
>  end mouseDoubleUp
> This is a long standing (i.e. forever!) 'the way things work' in LiveCode - 
> although I think there is a way it could be a great deal better, and more 
> intuitive.
> The only use of multi-click 'gestures' (which is what 'double clicks' are) 
> which makes sense from a UI interaction point of view is where each click 
> builds upon the action of the previous one.
> e.g. In Finder:
>  1) The first click selects a file
>  2) The second click runs the file (which is already selected at this point)
> e.g. In Text Editors:
>  1) The first click places the caret
>  2) The second click selects the word the caret is in
>  3) The third click selects the line the word is in
> Thus, one possible improvement would be to ditch the 'double' messages 
> entirely, and add a 'clickCount' event property (a bit like the clickLoc) 
> which returns the number of subsequent clicks. This would mean that (in a 
> mouseDown / Up) handler you just choose what you do based on the clickCount. 
> This means you can easily handle single, double or triple click sequences 
> (which, I think is pretty much as far as you can stretch that particular bit 
> of physical interaction - unless you want to cause the user significant 
> problems in using your UI). i.e. In a double click scenario you would get:
>  mouseDown (clickCount == 1)
>  mouseUp (clickCount == 1)
>  mouseDown (clickCount == 2)
>  mouseUp (clickCount == 2)
> This can be further built upon by introducing the idea of gestures. A 'click' 
> is actually a gesture, not an event - i.e. it is a precise sequence of events 
> which can be interpreted as a specific type of action. Introducing gestures 
> you'd get the following message sequence:
>  mouseDown (clickCount == 1)
>  mouseUp (clickCount == 1)
>  click (clickCount == 1)
>  mouseDown (clickCount == 2)
>  mouseUp (clickCount == 2)
>  doubleClick (clickCount == 2)
>    if passed then click (clickCount == 2)
> For what its worth, LiveCode Builder uses the clickCount model (i.e. no 
> double messages) - although we haven't added 'gestures' there yet.
> Warmest Regards,
> Mark.
> -- 
> Mark Waddingham ~ ~
> LiveCode: Everyone can create apps
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