Besides wanting to only use the mouse for re-layering, you can already demo
your layered images by clicking and pressing Control-[ or Control-].


On Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 4:21 PM, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami <> wrote:

> when I switch from code to building GUI.. we are in an world of objects.
> Is it only me that wishes we could
> a) import and image
> b) click right click on the image
>      --arrange
>         send back
>         bring forward
> ?
> Use case is in a rapid prototyping/design  environment where e.g. you have
> a background image with a group on top. You need to show your lead
> stackholder(s)  how it looks offer options
> …so you group all the controls and then create 5 cards, but now if you
> want to swap out the image in the back to show everyone different options,
> you import to the Object --> arrange, send to back to push it all the way
> down to layer 1.
> Am I the only one wishing we had this in a contextual menu?
> I know a lot of you build your GUI tools into a front script that you call
> on start up which then overrides or augments the IDE.
> How can I get the "arrange" option in contextual menus for all objects?
> worth of a feature request?
> BR
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