Hi All,

History - We use JAMF (Casper) as our MDM. Our math teachers have been using an 
app called Casper Focus which locks students into a particular web site for 
when they are giving  the students an assessment. JAMF no longer supports 
Casper Focus now that Apple has created the Classroom app. However, the 
Classroom app does not have the ability to lock students to a specific webs 
site, only to specific apps.  

In comes LiveCode. I create a little secure web browser app that only goes to 
their, one,  math web site, and now teachers can use Apple Classroom and my app 
to secure students to  the app i created when giving their assessments. 

Problem: I can upload the App just fine into JAMF and into the JAMF Self 
Service app. We use our Enterprise Apple Developer profile to create an iOS app 
in LiveCode. I then, because of past practice, create a folder and title it 
“Payload, “ drop the iOS app into the folder, compress the folder, and rename 
it my app.ipa.  

A student iPad can see the app in their Self Service app, but when they go to 
install it reports it can’t download at this time.

Here is a little video demo:  https://youtu.be/--JJPUx3Zlg 

The app is not pretty, but it is functional. It is essentially a browser object 
with a little behind the scenes data gathering via mysql on its usage. The data 
is just for me to see how it’s being used.

Anybody distributed iOS apps via an MDM? Is there anything that has to be done 
beyond the Standalone Settings configuration window, i.e info.plist etc. etc?

If I can get this MDM distribution thing figured out, I hope to do more :)

Thank you!

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