Make a group that is smaller than your card.
Place this in the group’s script:
        on mousemove newMouseH, newMouseV
                put newMouseH, newMouseV
        end mousemove

When the cursor moves around within the group the current mouseLoc is put into 
the message box. When the cursor moves outside of the group the mouseloc is no 
longer placed into the message box.

Next set the backgroundBehaviour of the group to TRUE.

Now wherever the cursor is within the CARD the mouseLoc is placed in the 
message box regardless of whether the cursor is within or without the rect of 
the group.

The dictionary states, "The mouseMove message is sent to the control the mouse 
pointer is over, or to the card if no control is under the mouse pointer.”

It is true that a background group is not 'officially' on a card (rather it’s 
on the background in HyperCard parlance.) But why would the mousemove message 
get passed to the card when the mouse is outside of the background group 
containing that handler?

Is this a bug or expected behavior?

Jim Lambert
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