Hi Franz,

I found a temporal solution for a limitation that you found
in the SVG MultiColor widget.

Looks like every vector path rendered in this SVG MultiColor
widget could have a fill or a stroke, but not both. If a path
have a fill color, the stroke is not rendered.

The workaround for this limitation is to duplicate those few
paths that have a non empty fill and a stroke and change
the fill atribute of duplicated line to fill:none

In the sample svg file that you posted, there are only 7 paths
that you must duplicate and replace the fill atribute to fill:none

path d="M93.86,48.612C93.86...
path d="M66.405,228.331C66.751...
path d="M30.188,194.513C30.188...
path d="M30.354,51.441C30.354...
path d="M33.794,64.434C33.794...
path d="M97.419,64.848C97.419...
path d="M93.86,48.612C93.86...

Duplicating these very few lines in every svg file is
the easiest and fastest way to jump over this
limitation (until a new version of SVG Multicolor
widget is released). It's relatively easy to create
a Livecode script that automate this task, but
someone in your team should verify that both
svg files (original svg and modified svg for importing
into LiveCode) are visually identical.

In a previous message, you wrote that you have
thousands of files to import into a Livecode app.
This is the reason why I took a closer look at it.

By the way, are you compressing these SVG
paths data before using them inside widgets?
Probably, you could reduce a lot the size of your app
if you compress this SVG path data.

Also, I noticed that your SVG path data uses
3 decimal points (like 51.088)
Please, check if changing for 2 decimal points
(like 51.09) do not change too much the
appearance of your files.

Tell us if this advice works fine in your own project.
You will be saving a lot of time for others that find
these same problems.

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