On 07/18/2017 10:51 PM, Ali Lloyd via use-livecode wrote:
Just out of interest, if it is not having the dictionary that makes them
'unusable', does it launch correctly in a browser if you change the script
of revIDEBrowserWidgetUnavailable to return true?

Well, the CEF problem is one of the factors, yes. If it were only that and the IDE didn't try to display things in a CEF browser I could get around that. But I don't know what other parts of the IDE will start using the CEF library, and considering that everything that tries to causes me to force-quit and lose any unsaved work, that's a problem. But I know the CEF issues are being worked on frantically, and we've talked about that off-list, so I'm not trying to raise the issue here.

The all-but-invisible caret in field editing is also a pretty serious problem, and I see from the github stream that it's been fixed for dp9, so I'm also not worried about it - I'm just sticking with dp6 until the next dp release.

...and I now use Bernd's TinyDictionary instead of the built-in dictionary, so I don't need to try to monkeypatch the IDE for that. But gimme a clue as to where to find revIDEBrowserWidgetUnavailable and I'll give it a try just for giggles and let you know off-list.

 Mark Wieder

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