Here's the problem though. Trying to convince those who have made their living 
teaching that the earth is flat, would have to admit that all those hard long 
days and nights and years spent refining their "science" was all for naught, a 
fools errand, and that indeed their entire life and reputation is now in 
jeopardy. All the higher education, all the respected colleagues, the money 
spent that maybe they are still paying back, all for nothing. And you expect 
them to be honestly engaged in adopting a better way? No, the flat earthers 
must be flat earthers for all posterity. They are all in. Allegorically 

Bob S

> On Aug 21, 2017, at 12:53 , Jonathan Lynch via use-livecode 
> <> wrote:
> I just watched the eclipse where I live, while debating flat earth believers 
> online. Some irony there, I suppose.
> It reminded me of the time another programmer told me LiveCode was a toy. 
> Years later when asked by management to duplicate the functions of an app I 
> created so that those functionalities could be incorporated into that team's 
> main app, that same programmer concluded it would be impractical because my 
> app did way more than they realized. The app saves that team about 2 hours a 
> day of expensive staff time, which is quite a lot considering they have used 
> it for 10 years.
> My point? The Earth is not flat. LC is great, even if some mainstream 
> programmers are so entrenched, they cannot perceive its value.
> Sent from my iPhone

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