While not exactly a CMS, I used LC as a paypal button code generator
(encrypted buttons using openssl as the basis.)  My little program
generates a complete paypal button for each item and stores it in an sqlite
database.  It also takes an image drop and generates 2 sizes for the
gallery I use.  A basic page template was hand created for each category.
This made things easy enough for my friend to maintain the items catalog,
and adjust the website on her own with little intervention from me.  A new
page is as simple as copying an old one, changing a little bit of text, and
adjusting the category number used for pulling items from the database.

This is why I love lc.  Even _I_ can make useful things for myself and

In this particular case, theres the added benefit that they can do most of
their work on a local machine and limit time spent waiting on their horrid
connection.. Make adjustments till happy, upload any new/changed images --
using a simple sync program -- upload the adjusted sqlite file and voila'

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Andre Garzia via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> Taking a tangential line of thought in this thread, I think there is value
> in exploring "more focused" or "less flexible" solutions than complete CMSs
> to gauge the feasibility of a CMS project. Specially if it is something
> like David said that leverages the Desktop value of LC while spewing out
> static files. A simple landing page creation tool could fit the bill. There
> is a lot of need for landing pages, they all look the same in terms of
> features (and visuals unfortunately), and should be doable with less work
> than a full CMS.
> Building such small tools would enable our community to understand the web
> better and how to bridge our both worlds of LC and Web. So far, most of our
> web efforts have been "PHP-inspired", as in our server engine behaves like
> PHP and our frameworks look and feel like PHP frameworks. RevIgniter and my
> old RevSpark, are basically PHP frameworks in a different language but PHP
> is not on the bleeding edge of web development anymore. There are many
> other ways of doing web work that are closed to us and who knows what will
> be possible five years from now.
> Any tool built today, in any language, with aspirations to be webby should
> be generating a PWA. Generating a simple barebones progressive web app
> (this is not your old progressive enhancement) boilerplate is quite easy.
> The new features such as WASM (which is implemented in all major browsers
> already), Service/Shared/Web Workers, and all the other APIs from the web
> platform are all awesome but working with them require a a not so quick
> learning curve. LC could help create flexible tools that generate code, and
> I am talking beyond the current HTML5 deployment (which I don't own a
> license and can't play with), I am talking about using the power of our
> long living IDE and language to invent our own tools. I believe that LC is
> great for writing tools and time is best spent writing tools than products
> (unless the tool is the product).
> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 8:42 AM, David Bovill via use-livecode <
> use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> > I don't see much value in building a CMS or CMS front end. There is value
> > in a CMS, but not I'd saying in making another CMS. Build on revIgniter
> as
> > Dave says?
> >
> > On 3 December 2017 at 12:57, Dave Kilroy via use-livecode <
> > use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Alex
> > >
> > > My instinct would be to build on revIgniter rather than start another
> > > (possibly competing) project - I would be much more likely to
> contribute
> > to
> > > an enriched revIgniter than to two disjointed projects
> > >
> >
> > Rather than replicating a tradition CMS, I would see taking an
> > "opinionated" approach to the software design.  Build on the strengths
> and
> > uniqueness of Livecode, and modern concepts such as continuous
> deployment.
> > revIgniter as it stands can be part of an authoring platform, but the
> > published output should be a modern static site, using the curated best
> of
> > componentised and responsive HTML5 design. revIgniter in that context
> > becomes part of the authoring environment, but not the deployment
> > environment. Would love to work with people on this.
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> http://www.andregarzia.com -- All We Do Is Code.
> http://fon.nu -- minimalist url shortening service.
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