
I'm giving 9 dp 10 a workout. Since I'm building some stuff from ground zero, 
I'm finding the auto complete is very useful. So useful in fact that it’s a bit 
irritating when the suggested list is dismissed so quickly. Is there a way to 
keep the suggestions list from disappearing right away? what are the small 
letters in front of the suggestions?

I'm constantly "reflecting" on my overall algorithm" so making immediate 
choices in the next code to enter is  not the way of the timid… … old habit of 
"try to write it once and write it right" from our editorial world. means you 
go a little slowly.

Ernst Hemingway famous for writing one or two sentences of prose a day… of 
course he was an alcoholic existentialist who only had a few sober moments to 
write each day, and then committed suicide  So I'm a little faster than that.  
If he had had auto complete, I suspect he would have thought life good enough 
to carry on.

I just want to say the LC teams seems to be working very hard and we all 
appreciate it! Thank you!


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