there are two ways. It looks like revIDEStackIsIDEStack needs a long id, and revStackNameIsIDEStack needs only the short name but will also accept a long ID.

Thanks for finding the list of qualifications.

On 4/27/18 5:09 PM, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:
On 04/27/2018 02:45 PM, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:
It used to be we could identify IDE stacks because their names started with "rev" but that's not true anymore. I want to scan for and list any open non-IDE stacks. Does anyone know offhand if there's an existing function in the IDE that identifies IDE stacks? Or maybe there's a property to check for?

If you're just looking at the open stacks, you can iterate through them using


which will return true if it's a system stack.

According to the comments for revIDEStackNameIsIDEStack which call it,

A stack is considered part of the IDE if any of the following are satisfied:
* Its name begins with "rev"
* It was loaded by the initialisation library
* Its name begins with "com.livecode."
* Its name is "message box, answer dialog, ask dialog, or home"
* Its _ideoverride property is true

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |
HyperActive Software           |

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