While the solution is not perfect, you can have your script
set the systemwindow of stack "stackname" to true
wait 1 tick
set the systemwindow of stack "stackname" to false

(Saw this on the forums at one time or another, think the thanks go to Lagi)

The only negative of this method is the flicker as it goes system, then
back again.

On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 9:32 AM, Douglas Ruisaard via use-livecode <
use-livecode@lists.runrev.com> wrote:

> Thanks, as always, for the responses. Getting old means you forget about
> the differences between Commands and Functions... but anyway
> My MAIN question was whether there was a way to get LC to make a desktop
> window THE active, top-most window... next necessarily the LC's window (in
> my case) but ANY window for that matter.
> I'll be using a shell command out to an AUTOHOTKEY compiled script to
> switch to the desired desktop window but was wondering if there was a
> native LC way to do so.  BTW, anyone who hasn't heard or tried AutoHotKey,
> should do themselves a huge favor (favour in the British colonies) and
> explore its capabilities... which, I assure you, are myriad on Windows
> platforms.  There are similar tools I have NOT explored available on the
> Mac.
> However, before this thread evolves into a discussion about external
> scripting tools; please, if possible, let me know if anyone knows a LC-way
> to active a specific window on the desktop. ... ps... I am completely
> ignorant (and likely to remain so) regarding Java... so, if that is an
> option, I'd need a "seed" scripting suggestion as to how to start.
> Cheers!
> Doug
> Douglas Ruisaard
> Trilogy Software
> (250) 573-3935
> > In Windows 7, LC v8.1.9
> > Is there a way to make an LC "window" the active / top window on the
> desktop after making another
> > window on the desktop active?  I have an app which allows me to copy a
> portion of text from, say, a
> > Notepad window, into the clipboard.  A timed loop within my LC script
> then pulls the clipboard text
> > into an LC field and starts an analysis of the contents of that field.
> THAT works great.  But then I
> > need the LC window to become the active window after the analysis is
> done and displayed on my LC
> > window, so I can manipulate the various controls I have on it.
> >
> > Of course I can "manually" click on the LC window to activate it but I
> was wondering if there is a way
> > to do so in LC script.  I've tried "focus on field xxx" (where xxx is a
> field in my displayed LC
> > window), "set the screenMouseLoc to the loc of this stack", "go to this
> stack" and a variety of "click
> > at" commands... none of these make the LC window the top active window
> on the desktop.  The Notepad
> > (or whatever) window stays as the top, active window.
> >
> > On a somewhat related note, how do you "set" the mouse location within
> an LC window?  I know and use
> > the "set the screenMouseLoc to the loc of this stack" but an equivalent
> "set the MouseLoc to the loc
> > of this stack" or "set the mouseLoc to "650,420"" generates an error of
> "Properties: token is not a
> > property) near "mouseLoc", char 10" when trying to save the code.  Seems
> odd that I have to use FULL
> > screen coordinates to set the mouse location rather than relative ones
> to the stack.
> >
> > Douglas Ruisaard
> > Trilogy Software
> > (250) 573-3935
> >
> >  > The "screenMouseLoc" is a property, but the "mouseLoc" is a  >
> function.You cannot set a function.
> >  >
> >  > Why this was wrought this way is anybody's guess.
> >
> > If memory serves mouseLoc was implemented as a function for
> compatibility with HyperCard, which
> > offered no way to move the mouse cursor.
> >
> > When the opportunity came up to make a global version, it seems the
> choice to make that one a property
> > was simply because a property is more useful, allowing both getting and
> setting.
> >
> > --
> >   Richard Gaskin
> >   Fourth World Systems
> >   Software Design and Development for the Desktop, Mobile, and the Web
> >   ____________________________________________________________________
> >   ambassa...@fourthworld.com                http://www.FourthWorld.com
> >
> >
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