> Tom Glod wrote: "   can you post your resize script?"

Dear Tom, here is the script where the data grid fails and I do not know
Thank you for taking notice.

on resizeStack w,h
    ## Datagrid is the "master", a list of project names.
    ## There is a detail form on top that opens when user clicks on a row
    ## The script is a card script

    local tLeft=0

    set the width of graphic "h1" to w
    set the left of graphic "h1" to 0
    set the width of graphic "r1" to w
    set the top of graphic "r1" to the bottom of graphic "h1"
    set the left of graphic "r1" to 0
    put the left of graphic "h2" into tLeft
    set the width of graphic "h2" to the width of graphic "h1" - tLeft - 240
    if the width of graphic "h2" < 160 then set the width of graphic "h2"
to 160
    set the left of graphic "h2" to tLeft
    set the bottomright of widget "add" to w-35 &comma& h-35
    set the loc of widget "cross" to the loc of widget "add"
    set the right of field "logout" to w-15
    set the height of graphic "v1" to h - ( the bottom of graphic "r1" )
    set the top of graphic "v1" to the bottom of graphic "r1"
    set the left of graphic "v1" to the left of graphic "h2"

    ## If this DG group is used then the resizeStack handler breaks
    ## with unpredictable results of controls:

    set the width of group "dg1" to ( w - the right of graphic "v1" )
    set the height of group "dg1" to ( h - the bottom of graphic "r1" )
    set the topleft of group "dg1" to \
      (the right of graphic "v1") &comma& (the bottom of graphic "r1")

    ## This is a detail form on top of the table view opening
    ## when the user clicks a row:

    set the width of graphic "project_group_header" to the width of group
    set the width of graphic "project_group_underline" to the width of
group "project_group"
    set the bottom of graphic "project_group_header" to the top of group
    set the top of graphic "project_group_underline" to the bottom of group
    set the left of graphic "project_group_header" to the left of group
    set the left of graphic "project_group_underline" to the left of group
    set the loc of field "project_group_title" to the loc of graphic
    set the left of field "project_group_title" to the left of graphic
"project_group_header" +15
    set the loc of group "project_group" to the loc of this card
    set the top of group "project_group" to the top of \
        group "project_group" - the height of graphic "project_group_header"

end resizeStack

Regards, Roland
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