On 2018-08-05 01:14, Mark Wieder via use-livecode wrote:
I do realize that. But now that we've opened that can of worms I don't
think we can just go on ignoring it. And the difference between LC
script-only stacks and C source files is that you don't get to
distribute a single compiled object in LC... you end up with a
mainstack and several text files to distribute, and they need to stay
together and in the same relative position. It's messy.

Yes - however, as @Brian already pointed out in another message which distracted me in terms of a technical point of performance rather than the more important' high-level point he made...

Perhaps 'Show IDE Stacks in lists' (or whatever it is called) has become far far too blunt an instrument...

What I was thinking.
For example, the PB could offer a new 'top-level' - which is project. A project being defined by a set of stacks which share a common name prefix...

Well, when the PB was first proposed, that's where I thought this was heading.

Yes - 'projects' are a concept which LiveCode needs - although like lots of things its a case of 'when' rather than 'if' (even if the 'when' has been and still is measured in rather long timecales!).

One thing I'd like, since you're asking (place this in the 'watch what
you ask for' category) is to be able to use script-only stacks as
substacks. That way I could edit them with a text editor and still
work with only a single unified object. And the PB would hide the
component stacks within the mainstack until I chose to examine them,
the same way that substacks now work. Obviously there are script-only
stacks that would not need to be substacks, but that's no different
from the way stacks and substacks work now.

I think modifications to the PB and a stricter naming convention for stacks could solve most of the problems which do exist here.

After all it doesn't matter if (in memory) all stacks are in a 'flat' list (its up to the engine to optimize lookup) really - what matter is the view of them which is presented in the IDE - which is almost purely a PB concern.

The other side of this, is what Brian hinted at - when building for distribution script-only stacks which are essentially 'children' of some component should be built into a single stack with substacks.

This is essentially what scriptification and descriptification do: we have code for this in the repository... For example, there is an embedded UI stack in the engine which deals with licensing (the one which really does anything is in the livecode-private - which you all never see as that's the commercial side of the code). The environment stack (whether public or private) exists as a collection of script-only stacks and a single binary stack which holds the UI in the github repository, and when building the engine those collection of files get turned into a single mainstack.

This could be done for all the IDE components which are composed in this way at the point we build the distribution - it would cut down the number of mainstacks considerably, and again perhaps mean 'show LiveCode UI elements' actually does the same as it did before things started to be scriptified.

The other place this could come to bear is making the S/B (or some variant there-of) not only work to produce an application, but also a 'component/extension' - i.e. a distributable 'compiled' (in some sense) form of a collection of script only stacks which were much more easily distributable.

The only thing we would lose by using this kind of process on the IDE would be the easy ability to 'monkey-hack' the IDE - although not significantly - it would just be slightly harder to pull out the changes to submit as a PR if you wanted too...

However, that being said - we then just add a way you could just pull the IDE repository and have it use an engine from a pre-installed distribution.

Internally we tend to edit the IDE from engines built from the engine repository - there's various redirection logic in the IDE and engine, so that when a 'build-from-source' engine is run, it looks to see if it is a github checkout, and if so loads and runs the IDE from the IDE submodule checkout.

So upshot - in reality - we have most of the code and mechanisms already to at least get a long way to the ideal (which is a much more structured, built-in component architecture), it is 'just' a case of plumbing it in in some of the ways outlined above. Admittedly, not a small project, but certainly not one which would needed to be started from ground-zero.

And btw, thanks for your input on this list. On a Saturday even. Much

Hehe - well it is a working day for me today, and tomorrow and the next week - I'm currently in Dallas, Texas, for FileMaker DevCon.

Warmest Regards,


Mark Waddingham ~ m...@livecode.com ~ http://www.livecode.com/
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