On Wed, Aug 15, 2018 at 11:10 AM Geoff Canyon <gcan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The process wasn't too painful:
> 1. Create a new repository on GitHub
> 2. Pick a spot on my computer and clone the repository using GitKraken
> 3. Use Navigator (shameless self promotion!) to export the script I wrote
> into a script-only stack in the repository folder
> 4. Merge the new file and push up to GitHub
> And done! Is there a way to tag repositories on GitHub by language, so
> it's easy to find all LC repos?

Of course it helps if you upload the correct script... (grr) So:

5. Use Navigator to restore the script from the repo into the button
6. Use Navigator to export the actual script from the card to the repo
7. Merge again
8. Push again

And now it's done.
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