On 27/11/2018 18:34, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:

The existing field object does a fine job buffering for smooth scrolling of just about any text of practical length.  Logically, the limit of field contents is about 4GB (UINT4), but in practical terms other memory needs may not allow quite that much.  FWIW I've loaded the Bible into a field and it scroll quite nicely, much more smoothly than Microsoft Word's paging scroll.

Yes, a scrolling field is fine. But if you wanted to have a field (no scroll bar) and other controls overlaid (or beside) the field and have the whole thing scroll (as a group), then you could run into the pixel limitation.
Wouldn't you ?   Or maybe I'm missing something.

> And if we were to consider non-European languages, maybe that would
> apply horizontally as well ??

What non-European languages have no line wrapping?  How do such languages display anything on any electronic or printed surface?

I didn't say "no line wrapping". There are (I think) languages which can be written vertically (e.g. Japanese, Korean), and in this case you get a series of vertical lines - and a series of those vertical lines placed adjacent to each other, requiring horizontal scroll to get through the document (i.e. a complete transposition of English). So the pixel limit night then be relevant for horizontal, just as it is for vertical.

But as you say - so long as you stick to scrolling the field, not putting an unscrolled field into a scrolled group, you won't hit the group pixel limit anyway.

And - since I can barely spell Unicode, far less understand all the implications - I'll go back to being quiet now :-)


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