On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 09:03  AM, Terry Vogelaar wrote:

Robert Presender heeft op dinsdag, 29 okt 2002 om 05:29 het volgende

Have a test stack with 1 fld and 1 btn.
Btn Script:
on mouseUp
  answer "Please enter a name " with "OK" or "Yes" or "Cancel"
  put it into fld 1
end mouseUp

on mouseUp
  ask "Please enter a name"
  put it into fld 1
end mouseUp

Both of the above scripts work OK in  development (Application
A dialog  appears, appropriate data entered and the results are put
into the field.

When the the proj is doubled clicked (Rev not opened), no dialog
appears but the
result in the field are for each case:
1. answer plain Please enter a name
2. ask plain Please enter a name
Hello Robert,

Both the answer and ask dialog are part of the Revolution UI, which is
not started up when you doubleclick a project with rev not open. So the
dialogs don't appear and the contents of 'it' are not filled in by the
dialog. I am puzzled why you get the result you get instead of
literally "it".

Solution: start Rev first or make a standalone. I don't think there is
an other solution.
Hi Terry,
Thank you for the info. It appears that one would have to assume that, if ask/answer is used,
if it works in development it should work elsewhere. I am aware that in build ask/answer
has to be selected in resources. Wonder why it is not available if one wants to check his work in a "project" situation rather than having to build a standalone each time ask/answer is used.
Again, thanks.

Regards ... Bob

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