On Sunday, November 24, 2002, at 09:45  PM, Sara wrote:

Is the splash screen the main stack or do you have another stack which
contains all the general handlers but which got bumped down the
hierarchy when you inserted the splash stack? That's what happened to
me once when using the splash screen approach. The solution was to have
an extra line in your splash screen openStack handler:
start using "The stack with all my scripts"
I believe that I do have a conflict in the way I open the project which affects the standalone.
I will look into the 'start using' procedure (Monte also suggested this).

When you do a build like this, my preference is to say "No data folder"
as well as using "Move substacks..."
Neglected to mention that I have to save data that the user enters

If you do this, you will find your application folder includes the
clickable app as well as a folder called
"My App.rev_components". I find this works better than creating a data
folder which has this components folder as a sub-folder of it.
It seems that the "My App.rev_components" is the same as "Data" but doesn't allow the saving of user entered data. In either case, it would be nice to be able to hide these folders from the user. I had some success previously by using ResEdit to make the files invisible but not the folder.

Thank you for your input. I am going to revamp the way the project is opened.

Regards... Bob

On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 12:00  pm, Robert Presender wrote:

I assume that I am doing something wrong.  Will appreciate help.

Using OS 10.2.2/rev 1.1.1r2(OSx)/Emac also OS 9.2.2/rev 1.1.1r2(OS)/PB

My project works OK in the development stage but when I do a Build,
the standalone doesn't execute properly.

The standalone opens with the Splash, etc but doesn't  want to execute
some custom btns both menu and other types on substacks.

 All my substacks appear in the Data folder of the standalone.

 It seems that some btn menus  don't activate their applicable
handlers in the Main stack when in Build but do  so when in

Selected build options are as follows:
Basic .. Create folder for substacks, Mac OSX, auto download.....

Stacks .. Current stack file, copy default font and color, remove Rev
UI ..., move substacks into indiv files, auto apply stackFiles info to

Resources.. ask,answer,cursors, icon lib

MacOS option .. only creatpr signature.

Regards ... Bob

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