I don't think it is possible for any application to know what it's NAT'd address is as that is done completely external to the computer itself on the router/firewall.

The only way to get this is to use some sort of external reference. It is very simple to write a cgi to respond back with the information. If you build it and host it yourself then you would always have a guarantee of service and consistent format. I remember seeing a very simple AppleScript CGI awhile back which does just this but it would also be simple to write a Rev server app to do it.

There are services such as dyndns.org which provide dynamic DNS service and software which can provide what you want but it would be too much work to have end users set it up. It would be simpler for you to do it yourself. Even 500 users would not be very taxing for a web server simply returning the IP address.

Check out the chat software example that Tuviah made in the Rev user contributions area.

Bill Vlahos

On Tuesday, December 31, 2002, at 03:28 AM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

There must be a simpler way to do this!
I am able of doing cgi and php on a remote server so I have maybe to do it that way, But it seems strange that RunRev with all its network abilities is not able to get a NAT translated IP.
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