Hi Xavier,

Hi Klaus,

Welcome to the "We Need Threads In Rev" club :))

To put it with Groucho Marx:
I don't want to be a member in a club that will accept members like me :-)

The only way to get around this limitation is to write some extra compiled
applications to do the work to be threaded...

Yep, I will try to use a ready made AppleScript application that will just read a text
file with the actual AppleScript and execute that one.

If you remember i just recently split a big application into smaller parts
because of this too...

Problem is that one could eat your cpu doing the processing while the
others wait for CPU threads. Even with 4 CPUs...

Triple the work per thread but oh well...

How long until CPU safe threads come to rev? Anyone? Anyone?

Rev 5.0? ;-)



Klaus Major

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