As it turns out, much of the "missing" text is actually there. It just can't be seen. I thought it might be that the color for the text was being set to "white", but that isn't the problem. The Menu hot keys work, but the menus themselves are still invisible.

Frankly, I'm stumped.

Joe Wilkins

On Dec 7, 2007, at 8:17 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:

Well, I'm back after a considerable hiatus, and have some new plans for Revolution articles on the website.

First, however, I need to wrap up the application that was in the mill when I "dropped out" of the list. I finally got a Mac Pro with the 30" Apple Display that allows me to "see" once again. Though OSX is still a glaring abomination and I have found no way to adequately adjust the "glare". Nevertheless, I now have WindowsXP running under VMWare's Fusion and can test the Window's version of my Coloring Book Application. Actually, it works fine except that none of fixed and some of the scrolling text fields just don't make it. They just aren't there. Also, the sound is pretty crude and the menus don't show up at the top of the window. I'm at a loss to see what may have caused this - the missing menus.

Perhaps I need to build the Window's executable separately from the MacOSX build. That will be my next trial. If any of you have suggestions based on your own experiences, I'd love to hear them. I'm still using 10.4.11 (Tiger) and, though I just purchased Leopard, I'm a little hesitant to load it up until I know that Rev works acceptably on it.


Joe Wilkins
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