
Install the Developer Tools (optional install for OS X) and you will find "Icon Composer" which will allow you to import (just drag and drop) .png or other formatted graphics files. It will save the .icns file for the Mac. I then used Iconographer on the Mac to make Windows icon file from the icns file.

You will still need some sort of graphics program to create the graphics (Windows or Mac) to import into Icon Composer. Photoshop Elements is a lot less expensive that Photoshop and it might be fine for creating graphics.

It is pretty easy once you get the right tools.

As others have pointed out BootCamp is an optional install. I agree with Richard that Parallels or VMWare is a pretty good option without requiring a reboot.

Bill Vlahos

On Jan 8, 2008, at 7:55 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

Well, my MacBook came backed fixed. Turns out they pretty much gave me a new Mac, including a new hard drive and the Leopard OS. Gone is my dual boot config, Parallels and Photoshop, plus all my files. Not too big a deal as it
is all backed up.

But...Since Photoshop 7 doesn't run on Leopard (did on Tiger), I need to find another alternative to creating .icns files on the Mac. I can create a standard 128 x 128 png on the PC and would like a program to convert it to the requisite Mac .icns file...any ideas? I certainly don't want to upgrade
my old version of Photoshop for only this function.

So, what are you all using for this sort of thing?

Also, where do I find BootCamp on Leopard? I thought it came pre- installed.
TIA, Chipp
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