Yes, indeed, you COULD script HyperStudio but the scripting language was Logo--and unfortunately by the mid-90's finding books on programming in Logo had become virtually impossible. I found but one in the Dartmouth College math department library --none in the main library and none available for purchase--this was long before Amazon came along.

So, for me, HyperStudio had a million dollars worth of promise (literally), but was unfortunately worth next to nothing on delivery. I never understood why they didn't make their scripting language more HyperTalk-like.

My 2 cents.


Lynn wrote:

I think you are missing the point of HyperStudio. HyperStudio was the K-12 specific HyperCard and well targeted exactly to that market. You had loads of templates and tools that are "toony", but fun to use. Also, wasn't the
language it used (and uses) based on Logo?

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